IBAN and name belong together
De IBAN-naam check biedt zekerheid. Het is via de API te koppelen aan elk proces of systeem (front-/backend). Ook kan je simpel een IBAN-controle uitvoeren vanuit ons Dashboard. De check geeft direct uitsluitsel. Denk aan vragen zoals:
Is the name and the IBAN account number that the customer keyed while onboarding correct?
We will provide a loan or make a payment. How reliable are the bank details?
Do IBAN and name that the customer issues for direct debit belong together?
Are the bank details provided for restitution the same as the IBAN name details known to the bank?
How does IBAN-name check work? We check your input realtime with the database of all Dutch banks. The customer is not needed for this. Bluem's payment hub is the 1st pay platform that can carry out these instant checks for organizations. There are 3 basic return notifications:
Which account numbers can be checked? All Dutch account numbers. Bluem can check all IBAN-name combinations in your customer and supplier database as long as they are Dutch IBANs. These can be savings and payment accounts. Business and private accounts. French, UK, and Italian IBANs can also check Bluem in real time. Work is continuing on expanding the country coverage.
Be more assured. Make the IBAN name check part of your business process. It is super easy to build in any system. For example in customer acceptance, the website portal where customers change their IBAN themselves or as an extra (optional) step in a payout process. It helps you prevent IBAN fraud, database contamination and payment errors. Expensive? No other supplier is more complete or cheaper, only € 0.50 per check! Take advantage today. Contact us to have your IBAN-name check account activated.